Do you remember that goal I set for myself back in January? The one where I said I was going to read more this year? I thought I’d give you an update on how that goal is going. My list is ever changing, and life has gotten in the way of this goal. I’ve been able to check a couple of books off my list though. I’ve even added some new ones since then.

Books I’ve finished

  • Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp—Yes, this was a good book. It has a lot of things that I can use when Asher is a bit older. The stage Asher is at is kind of awkward. He’s not fully baby anymore and not yet fully toddler, so I can’t really start working on too many heart issues with him yet, which is what this book addresses.
  • Savoring Living Water by Lara Williams and Katie Orr—This book is one that I hadn’t originally planned to read, but I’m glad I did! It teaches a method for how to have an effective quiet time. I have been using this method for a couple of years now through the HelloMornings challenge, but I hadn’t actually read the book and seen how I can do this method without too much guidance from a formal Bible study. I recommend this one if you are looking for a new method of study!
  • Raising Godly Tomatoes by Elizabeth Krueger—Yes, another parenting book. Can you sense a theme? This one has been helpful in raising Asher and teaching him what we expect of him. I really like that Mrs. Krueger talks about the expectations we have (and should have) of our children.

Books I’m currently reading or hope to read soon

Since we’re going on home assignment soon, that leaves me with a little more time than usual to read. Since Leon got me a tablet for my birthday, it makes it easier to download Kindle books and put them on the tablet! These are two books I’m hoping to tackle while we’re in the US.

Books I just couldn’t finish

  • The Contented Toddler Years by Gina Ford—While there are some similarities between Ford’s methods and Babywise, I was disappointed with this book. I didn’t agree with her discipline techniques. The fact that she says children under a certain age don’t have the ability to distinguish between right and wrong really ruffles my feathers. Since everything I have read, believe and see in my son have shown me otherwise, I have a hard time believing that. If Asher began to understand “no” at 6 months… I can definitely teach him how to behave. After reading that chapter, I honestly had a hard time picking the book up to finish it. Sigh… I have to keep in mind while reading books like this that they’re coming from a secular perspective, one that I won’t always agree with.
    I should add, though that this book has been helpful in giving ideas for routines for my toddler, as well as a little insight into my toddler’s mind.

Of course with a one year-old at home, I’ve also been reading the classics. Goodnight Moon and Guess How Much I Love You are both pretty high on our list of favourites right now. :)

So there you have it! That’s what I’ve been reading lately. I also signed up for BookSneeze® to get free books in exchange for writing reviews on my blog. Should be fun! Or maybe I just bit off more than I can chew. We’ll soon find out!

What have you been reading recently?

(It’s worth noting that the links in this post are NOT affiliate links. I put them in so you can find and read them for yourself!)

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